March 2021 rainfall analysis

On a monthly basis EP3 collect a vast amount of weather data from stations around Australia. We amalgamate this data into regions, in order to provide charts to provide insights into weather in the regions.
The monthly rainfall update is available by clicking here
In the monthly update two types of charts are included:
Rainfall Charts display the average monthly rainfall for the current season, the previous year and the long-term average.
Included on the chart is the 70% range, which indicates what is relatively normal rainfall patterns for the season.
Rainfall outside of the grey shaded 70% range boundary could be considered to be uncharacteristic for that time in the year. The 95% boundary highlights rainfall that would be considered extreme. Rainfall levels above or below this boundary occurs less than 5% of the time.
Percentile/decile charts
The rainfall percentile tables are measured from data back to 1902.
The current seasons rainfall percentile for each month is displayed along with the percentile ranking for the previous season.
Included on the chart is the average rainfall percentile for each month for the last decade and for the last 50 years. This provides a quick visual representation as to how wet or dry the season has become.