The EP3 analysis team use a data-driven approach to analysis. The structure of our analysis is based upon the data to decisions pyramid, which is a variation of the popular data to wisdom model used in science. EP3 will take raw data and add meaning to turn into useable information. Analysts then use their experience to include context to assist the decision making process.
All work undertaken by the EP3 analysis team is conducted independently. In order to maintain this independence, the following will apply:
EP3 analysts will maintain consistent and uncompromising adherence to holding strong ethical principles when producing analytical content. EP3 analysts will present work that is their own, with acknowledgement of the work of others when required. Where EP3 analysts work with outside consultants, this will be clearly outlined, and any work by a third party credited.
In order to provide full transparency, all EP3 analysts will outline any potential conflicts in any analysis produced.
These conflicts include, but are not limited to:
The EP3 ethical decision tool assists the analysis team in determining whether the actions we take are with a high degree of integrity.
If the answer to these questions is yes, then its acceptable to proceed. If the answer is no to any of these questions, then do not proceed. If unsure, err on the side of caution and discuss further within the team.
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