EP3 presents at Longreach Show

GrowWQ have invited Episode3 (EP3) analyst to the Longreach Show on the 14th of May to present two market outlook sessions in the morning and afternoon.
Session one will be held at 11.30 am and will be looking at the prospects for sheep meat and wool markets, with a focus on the current state of play and forecast modelling.
Session two will kick off at 3.00 pm and will cover goat market trends and future pricing as well as an in depth look at the current situation of the cattle market.
The event is ticketed, so you will need to visit the Eventbrite site to book your place. There are four sessions in total and the ticket purchase covers access to all four events scheduled. Additional presenters from LAWD and the University of Southern Queensland will be focusing on rural property values and climate.
If you are keen to have us present feel free to get in contact by the contact us page, and check out our previous presentations here.