This little piggy

Australian Pork Limited - State of the Industry 2021
The global picture
A comprehensive report has been produced by the Episode3 team on the Australian pork sector on behalf of Australian Pork Limited. The first section of the report takes a look at the Australian pork sector in a global setting with a focus on the global supply and demand trends. Key import and export nations are explored and their is a highlight on the impact of African Swine Fever .
The domestic picture
The domestic situation is investigated in the second section of the report, with a focus on domestic supply, production, slaughter and carcass weight trends. Included is an analysis of domestic demand, with a piece on domestic retail consumption trends and an exploration of the food service sector. Export and import competition is covered, from a domestic perspective and the report concludes with a look at prices, including feed costs.
Click here to obtain a PDF copy of the report.