Webinar: Forecasting the year ahead

Conversations | 8th November 2022 | By Andrew Whitelaw


EP3 analyst Andrew Whitelaw has been invited to discuss input markets for AUSVEG on a webinar on the 24th of November.

Australian vegetable growers have had a tough couple of years. Increases in the cost of production coupled with devastating floods have altered the economics or running a farm.

In this session, we will look at what factors have affected changes in the cost of production, farmgate price, and the weather over the last year and what tools exist to help growers prepare for next year.

This webinar is free to access and will provide interesting insights across a range of topics which, although organised for vegetable growers, has relevance to all across agriculture.

  • Market trends in vegetable consumption and price – James Parry, Fresh Logic
  • Climate outlook and forecasting tools for growers – Rachel Davis, Bureau of Meteorology
  • Drivers of change in fertiliser and labour cost – Andrew Whitelaw, Episode 3

All are welcome

Register for the webinar by clicking here