Status Quo

“Status quo, you know, is Latin for ‘for the mess we’re in’” – Ronald Reagan
The Year of the Snake in 2025 is believed to bring wisdom, transformation, and strategic growth. It is a time for patience, planning, and making thoughtful decisions to achieve long-term success.
The auction market held up well over the Luna New Year week. Super fine merinos lost a little grown but the balance of the market firm to marginally dearer. Crossbreds outperformed the rest of the market although some credit must again be attributed to the strong USD.
The forward market suffered from the uncertainty surrounding impact on demand due to the Chinese New Year holidays. Both buyers and sellers sat on the fence with opinions were divided prior to the start of the week. Tuesday gave no direction, Wednesday a day of rest and status quo prevailed. The inaction in the forwards continued to frustrate. Hopefully the Luna New Years brings buyer confidence and seller opportunity.
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