Market Morsel: Is it moist?

Grain | 7th April 2022 | By Andrew Whitelaw

Market Morsel

This week, I talked to a bunch of farmers from around the country in Canberra. The farmers were all quietly confident about the potential.

I thought it was worthwhile taking a look to see whether it is moist down under.

These are seasonality charts showing the moisture. The seasonality is calculated on the period 2000 to the present. The charts show a selection of regions around Australia, if you feel left out, send a message.

Large parts of the country are showing conditions similar or better to this time last year. It is still too early to call the crop, as it could stop raining from here on. Not all areas are in a great position, which is always going to be a case in a country our size.

Overall, things are well set up for the national crop.


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