Understanding the grain market

The EP3 team have been working in recent weeks with our friends at Grain Producers South Australia (GPSA) on one of our favourite topics – markets and risk management.
There are many risks which farmers face, from human to production. One which doesn’t receive much attention is price risk. GPSA identified this as an area for improvement.
In conjunction with Grain Trade Australia, a series of workshops on risk beyond the farm gate are being run. These workshops are possible due to a grant from the South Australian governments Regional Growth Fund.
EP3 has been invited along to provide workshops on grain markets. These workshops aim to help growers gain a greater understanding of grain markets to assist them in their decision-making process.
Topics in our workshop include:
- The factors driving pricing
- How prices are made.
- Is the price offered a good price?
- Understanding the elements of pricing and how to ensure $ are not left on the table.
- How to manage price risk.
In our typical EP3 fashion, these workshops are designed to be free from jargon, use real-world examples, be easy to understand and have an element of interactivity.
Registration is completely free, and is open to grain growers in South Australia. Click the link below to register for your nearest event: