Fertilizer Webinar Invitation
Next week, Thursday 17th, EP3 will present on fertilizer in a webinar organised by Grain Producers South Australia.
Andrew Whitelaw, Founding Director, Episode 3
Andrew is one of the founding directors of Episode3.net. This boutique commodity markets consultancy provides free-to-access market intelligence for Australian market participants through our online platform. The focus of Episode3.net is to show the truth through data. Andrew was one of Australia’s first analysts to start promoting transparency of the fertilizer market within the country to assist industry stakeholders in making better decisions; this has been conducted by reporting on the market with an unbiased lens – we do not trade, nor does the fertilizer industry sponsor us. Andrew co-presents the AgWatchers podcast in his spare time, which is an irreverent look at agriculture, with regular discussions with various people around the agricultural sector. Andrew holds an undergraduate in IT, a master’s in Agribusiness and is a former piggery owner.
Sean Cole, Advocacy and Rural Affairs Manager, Grain Growers Limited
Sean has previously held executive roles focused on (but not limited to) grower advocacy, trading, export, manufacturing & supply chain. Having been CEO of CCW Co-operative Limited and spending the vast balance of his career in various trading and management roles within the grains sector, for various small, medium and large organisations, Sean is well-informed and passionate about working to help Australian grain growers prosper. Sean originally hails from South Australia and holds a Bachelor of Economics from the University of Adelaide. Sean also holds a GAICD qualification from the Australia Institute of Company Directors and has served actively on industry Boards and committees during his career.
Stephen Annells, CEO, Fertilizer Australia
Stephen has a background in agribusiness across many sectors including grain, horticulture and supply chain. Stephen brings commercial strength and the ability to engage at a political as well as a farm gate level.