A whole lotta lamb

Livestock | 25th January 2021 | By Matt Dalgleish

The Snapshot

  • East coast lamb throughput dropped 6% on the week, but remains 33% above the five-year average pattern.
  • Victorian lamb yarding is 53% ahead of the seasonal trend, which is much higher than the 16% ahead of trend seen in NSW lamb yarding levels.
  • East coast sheep throughput is 2% ahead of the average seasonal pattern, after spending the first few weeks of 2021 below the average trend.
  • NSW sheep producers are keeping the east coast sheep yarding figures under wraps with throughput volumes 28% below average in their state.

The Detail

Weekly east coast lamb throughput eased 6% from the previous week, but at 212,568 head remains rather elevated compared to the five-year average pattern for this week in the year with sale yard volumes running 33% ahead of the seasonal average.

In contrast to the 2020 season we are seeing weekly yarding peaks reminiscent of the pre Easter rush. Compared to this week last year east coast lamb yarding levels are 53% higher. However given that, on average east coast light through to heavy lambs are running 35-45c/kg cwt higher than this time during 2020 it is understandable that producers are happy to deliver.

Lamb yarding levels in Victoria and NSW are both running ahead of their respective seasonal average trends. Although, Victorian lamb producers appear a little more keen to offer stock with weekly Victorian lamb yarding levels 53% above the five-year average pattern for this week in the season.

In contrast, NSW lamb yarding levels are sitting 16% ahead of the five-year trend.

It’s a different story for east coast sheep yarding levels. After the early part of the season running below the average trend pattern sheep throughput has managed to creep above the five-year seasonal pattern this week, albeit marginally. East coast sheep throughput is at 76,372 head, which represents levels 2% above the seasonal average pattern for this week in the year.

Both Victoria and NSW producers offered around 33,000 head of sheep to the saleyard during the week. For Victorian producers this represents levels that are 42% above the five-year average trend for this time in the season. However, for NSW producers these are sheep throughput levels 28% under the average seasonal volumes they usually offer during this time in the year.



  • Lamb
  • Throughput
  • Supply and Demand