Lamb surge misses WA

The Snapshot
- East coast lamb throughput increased by 50% for the week ending 1st April.
- Victorian lamb throughput has outperformed NSW with Victorian sale yard lamb numbers up 70% on the week.
- NSW saw a respectable 45% gain on the lamb yarding numbers seen the week prior.
- Meanwhile, in WA lamb throughput numbers registered a 66% drop on the previous week.
The Detail
East coast lamb throughput lifted strongly as April 2022 arrived, numbers presented at the saleyard rose by 50% for the week ending 1st April compared to the week prior with 192,214 head of lamb noted. This is the highest weekly volumes of lamb presented at east coast saleyards in six weeks and current numbers are sitting 25% above the five-year average seasonal pattern for this week in the year.
In terms of percentage gains over the week, Victorian lamb throughput has outperformed NSW with Victorian sale yard lamb numbers up 70% on the week. There were 75,093 lambs presented at Victorian sale yards which is 33% above the average seasonal trend for this week in the year. NSW saw bigger lamb volumes than Victoria with 105,597 head of lamb offered for sale over the week, which was a respectable 45% gain on the numbers seen the week prior. NSW lamb saleyard throughput currently sits 26% above the five-year trend for this week in the season.
Over in the west lamb throughput numbers have fallen off a cliff. Just 3,950 lambs were presented at WA saleyards for the week ending 1st April, which is a 66% drop on the previous week. Compared to the five-year average pattern WA lamb throughput volumes are running 78% under trend and these meagre weekly yardings figures are the weakest seen so far for 2022 in WA.