Live sheep on the rebound

Livestock | 26th April 2021 | By Matt Dalgleish

The Snapshot

  • Total live sheep export volumes for March remain 16% under the seasonal average pattern.
  • March 2021 saw a solid rebound in the monthly Aussie live sheep export volumes to Kuwait with 44,159 head reported shipped.
  • 30,555 head of Australian sheep were shipped to Jordan during March, levels that are 70% above the five-year average pattern.

The Detail

Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment (DAWE) live export trade statistics for March 2021 shows a significant lift in volumes from the lull in the trade noted for February. Total live sheep exports from Australia jumped by 2514% from the February to March period, which sounds like a huge increase, but it has to be remembered only 4,753 sheep were exported in February.

Total live sheep exports for March reached 124,277 head and, despite the impressive month on month gains, was unable to get back above the five-year seasonal average for March. The March 2021 volumes remain 16% under the seasonal average pattern.

Kuwait remains the top destination for live sheep exported from Australia in 2021, with 47% of this year’s flows going to the Arabian Peninsula emirate. March 2021 saw a solid rebound in the monthly live sheep export volumes with 44,159 head reported shipped from Australia, nearly equalling the 46,156 head sent in January.

Live sheep trade volumes to Kuwait sit at 90,315 for the first quarter of 2021, less than 1% below the volumes shipped in the first quarter of 2020 and 22% below the first quarter average trade volumes recorded over the last five years.

Jordan is taking the next highest volume of Australian live sheep exports for the 2021 season, representing 16% of the market share, which is no mean feat considering that January and February saw zero flows. March 2021 saw 30,555 head of Australian sheep shipped to Jordan, levels that are 70% above the five-year average pattern for March.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) are the third highest destination for Australian live sheep exports this year, holding nearly 10% of the market share. March saw 10,000 head of sheep consigned to the UAE, after none were sent during February. The March 2021 export volumes are 26% under the five-year average pattern for March for the UAE.

Qatar is yet to import any live sheep from Australia this season, despite being the second highest destination for Australian live sheep during 2020. Thankfully, a lift in demand from Israel during March has seen a strong surge in “other countries” (those excluding the traditional top four destinations of Australian live sheep exports; Kuwait, Qatar, Jordan and the UAE)  to see nearly 40,000 sheep shipped during March. Sheep exports from Australia to the “other countries” currently sit 229% above the five-year average trend for March.


  • Live export
  • Live Sheep