Market Morsel: In sheep shape, nearly.
Market Morsel
Live sheep export flows from Australia in October moved sideways with the second consecutive month of nearly 59,000 head shipped. There were 58,954 head of sheep transported during October, which is around 30% under the five-year average pattern for this time in the season. The primary destination for live sheep from Australia is Kuwait, accounting for 60% of flows so far this season. Kuwaiti demand is running 28% above the October average levels with 39,396 head noted as shipped last month.
Flows to Australia’s the second top destination for live sheep exports, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), also improved by nearly 5% on the month to see 7,500 head transported. For the second consecutive month 100% of Australia’s live sheep exports departed from ports in Western Australia. WA are continuing to dominate the trade with 98% of flows this year exiting from this state.