Market Morsel: Live cattle slide

Market Morsel
Department of Agriculture Water and the Environment (DAWE) live cattle export figures for February 2021 came in 26% softer than the January trade volumes, with 57,223 head of cattle shipped. This volume places live cattle exports 22% under the ten-year average trend for February and is the lowest February levels since 2017.
- Live cattle flows to Indonesia were off 23% from the January levels. At 27,729 head for February the Indonesian trade is also running 23% under the ten-year pattern.
- Cattle consignments to Vietnam are above the ten-year February average by 40%, despite coming in 25% softer from the January levels. February 2021 saw 17,479 cattle sent from Australia to Vietnam.
- China is also ahead of the ten-year average for February with the 7,716 head reported sitting 11% above the average pattern.