Market Morsel: Mutton on trend

Market Morsel
Australian mutton exports eased 8% over June to see 8,673 tonnes swt consigned, following the normal seasonal pattern of lower export volumes during Winter. Despite the further easing, this is the closest mutton export volumes have come to matching the five-year average monthly flows all season with current levels just 4% under the average pattern.
China is the largest destination for Australian mutton by far, consisting of 40.4% of the total trade this year. In recent months the seasonal pattern for mutton exports to China have mirrored the trend set by the total mutton export flows by moving closer to the five-year pattern.
The June 2021 mutton exports from Australia to China have dipped by 15% over the month to register 2,621 tonnes swt exported, a level that is 6% ahead of the five-year average for June.