Market Morsel: Sub 1.2 million

Market Morsel
Australian cattle on feed numbers eased by 6% over the March to June quarter to see 1,195,466 head reported on feed by the Australian Lot Feeders Association (ALFA). Despite the easing volumes on feed over June 2022, current numbers remain ahead of the June 2021 volumes by 2% and nearly 8% above the five-year average pattern for the June quarter.
Feed lot marketings dropped by 10%, down from 742,323 head in March to 667,542 head in the June quarter. Turnoff levels from feed lots over the June quarter are running at levels that are 8% under the average seasonal pattern for quarter two. The lower feedlot turnoff over the June quarter has seen the ratio of grain fed to grass fed turnoff dip back under 50% for 2022.
According to ABS cattle slaughter data there have been 2.8 million head processed to the end of June 2022, of which 1.4 million had were grain finished which represents a grainfed to grassfed turnoff ratio of 49.8%.