Market Morsel: Trifecta time for NSW

Market Morsel
Strong lift in weekly lamb yarding in NSW last week, with numbers up 45% on the previous week to 116,180 head. Current saleyard volumes are trekking 17% ahead of the five-year average trend for this week in the season.
Cattle have come back to the saleyards too in NSW, with weekly volumes lifting 56% on week prior. This is the highest weekly yarding levels in NSW so far this year, and just 11% under the five-year average pattern for this week in the season (ending March 18th). There were 17,133 head of cattle presented at NSW saleyards last week, according to MLA’s NLRS data.
Indeed it was a trifecta of strong saleyard volumes for NSW with increased sheep throughput too, up 18% on the previous weeks flows to 37,633 head. Weekly sheep throughput only 8% under the five-year average pattern for this week in the season. NSW cattle, sheep and lamb all registering their highest weekly levels in 2022, thus far.