Market Morsel: Year of the Live Ox
Market Morsel
The year of the Ox has started well for Australian live cattle demand from China and Vietnam.
- China is Australia’s third top destination for live cattle and January 2021 has opened the season in a very strong fashion with volumes 273% above the ten-year average January pattern. Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment figures noted 11,151 head shipped compared to a ten-year average of 2,991 head.
- Live cattle flows from Australia to Vietnam have also began 2021 in a robust fashion with volumes 31% above the January seasonal trend. Vietnam is the second top destination for Australian live cattle taking 28% of total flows in the 2020 season.
- Number one destination for Australian live cattle, Indonesia, came in just 2% ahead of the average January trend at 35,316 head reported.
- Total live cattle exports for January 2021 were reported at 77,408 head. This represents a level that is 9% above the ten-year seasonal average for January.