The lamb job

Lamb Export Summary May 2023
Total lamb export volumes from Australia picked up nicely over May, but thats not an uncommon trend as May is often when export flows peak in the season.
There was 28,518 tonnes of lamb shipped during May 2023, which was a 28% gain on the levels seen exported during April. This is the strongest monthly shipments of lamb exports since May 2019 when 29,540 tonnes were consigned. Current lamb export volumes are 10% above the five-year average trend for May.
Underpinning the strong result seen in May has been a lift in lamb demand from China and a rebound in the appetite out of the USA.
China saw a 40% rise in lamb exports from Australia over May to hit 7,196 tonnes swt. Compared to the five year average for May Chinese demand is running at levels that are 17% above the average seasonal pattern for May.
After two great seasons for lamb demand in the USA the 2023 pattern is a little undercooked so far this year. However, the lull seen in April has recovered and May saw export volumes lift by 38% to 5,297 tonnes swt. Despite the stronger demand in May the current lamb export levels to the USA still sit 5% below the five-year seasonal average for this time in the year.