WA crunched

Market Morsel
In May 2022 we took a look at WA sheep and lamb percentage price spreads to the eastern states. During the live export moratorium in 2022 the monthly average price spreads suffered significantly moving further into discounted territory across all categories. Similarly, the 12 month rolling average spread shows a continued deteriorating trend across all sheep and lamb categories.
WA Restocker Lamb Spread
Since 2000 the long term spread for WA Restocker Lamb to East Coast Restocker Lamb sits at a 12% discount. During September 2022 the monthly average spread in WA went to the most discounted it has been on record at 61% under the east coast pricing for Restocker Lambs. Currently the monthly average spread sits at a discount of 39%.
WA Light Lamb Spread
Since 2000 the long term spread for WA Light Lamb to East Coast Light Lamb sits at a 6% discount. During October 2022 the monthly average spread in WA went to the most discounted it has been on record at 38% under the east coast pricing for Light Lambs. Currently the monthly average spread sits at a discount of 30%.
WA Trade Lamb Spread
Since 2000 the long term spread for WA Trade Lamb to East Coast Trade Lamb sits at a 7% discount. During October 2022 the monthly average spread in WA went to the most discounted it has been on record at 35% under the east coast pricing for Trade Lambs. Currently the monthly average spread sits at a discount of 23%.
WA Heavy Lamb Spread
Since 2000 the long term spread for WA Heavy Lamb to East Coast Heavy Lamb sits at a 9% discount. During September 2022, October 2022 and January 2023 the monthly average spread in WA went to the most discounted it has been on record at 41% under the east coast pricing for Heavy Lambs. Currently the monthly average spread sits at a discount of 25%.
WA Merino Lamb Spread
Since 2000 the long term spread for WA Merino Lamb to East Coast Merino Lamb sits at a 1% discount. During October 2022 the monthly average spread in WA went to the most discounted it has been on record at 43% under the east coast pricing for Merino Lambs. Currently the monthly average spread sits at a discount of 22%.
WA Mutton Spread
Since 2000 the long term spread for WA Mutton to East Coast Mutton sits at an 11% discount. During February 2023 the monthly average spread in WA went to the most discounted it has been since 2008 at 41% under the east coast pricing for Mutton. Currently the monthly average spread sits at a discount of 38%.