Who’s on the air?

The Australian agricultural industry has had a turbulent time in recent years, not only due to the changing climate conditions and COVID-19, but also the ongoing trade wars and political influences creating significant uncertainty.
With Telstra’s support, the Export Council of Australia and Western Union Business Solutions have partnered to develop a four-part Agribusiness Webinar series. Over the next four months, we will look to uncover insights from both analysts and participants in the industry with a specific focus on the Livestock, Cropping, Horticulture and AgTech sectors.
This first webinar of the series will explore the key themes driving the livestock industry in 2021 and beyond with Matt Dalgleish from Episode3 and Tim Clarke from MMG1829.
Participants in this webinar will:
• Gain valuable insight into the Australian livestock industry from those on the ground
• Identify challenges in both beef and sheep markets and consider how they will impact you
• Identify opportunities in both beef and sheep markets and consider what you can do to participate
• Consider the impact of managing your currency during the cash cycle for imports and exports
• Gain direct access to industry experts.
A strong understanding and knowledge of markets will be powerful in business planning for 2021 and beyond.
Date: Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Time: 2pm (AEST)
Duration: 45 minutes plus Q&A
Click here to register
Webinar series developed by the Export Council of Australia
in collaboration
with Western Union
About the Presenters
Tim Clarke, CEO, MMG1829
Tim Clarke is a six generation Australian agribusiness professional. For the past 30 years, Tim has gained extensive experience in agriculture and international trade, exporting beef and lamb from his own properties and buying from other producers, purchasing land and aggregating farms, changing the land use through developments such as irrigation and other enterprises, thereby increasing efficiency, productivity, profitability.
His agricultural experience covers irrigation of vegetable and other crops, dry land cropping, dairy, sheep (lambs and wool), beef cattle (feed lots and breeding), meat processing and marketing.
Tim has developed extensive networks for the acquisition of land and businesses and in abattoirs, shipping, quarantine fields, feed suppliers and livestock supply. Tim currently has farming interests, slaughters and exports F1 Wagyu and other beef breeds of cattle direct to consumers and wholesale in the PRC/Hong Kong and Singapore and is completing contracts to deliver his premium F1 Wagyu Beef to Japan, the Philippines, Canada, Vietnam and Korea.
Matt Dalgleish, Manager, Episode3
After more than a decade working in foreign exchange markets in Melbourne and London, Matt spent time teaching VCE Economics and Special Needs Education. The lure of markets had Matt back working in real estate when he and his family moved from suburban Melbourne to a hobby farm on the outskirts of Ballarat.
Making the transition into agricultural market analysis was an exciting opportunity, enabling Matt to use his data analysis and forecasting skills to provide commentary and strategic advice to the agricultural industry, particularly within the livestock sector. Matt has become a prominent agricultural market analyst, often quoted in the agricultural press and sought after for his independent, data driven assessment of agricultural markets.