A (half) year in review

2020 has been a wild ride. It seems like EP3 have been around for a while; in reality, it has only been just over six months. We thought it was a good time to do a review of this period.
The EP3 venture was set up to be a place to provide independent information on the markets which impact on agriculture. We will aim to continue providing analysis which is relevant and can be used to assist in your decision making.
Matt and I love nothing more than writing and advising on markets; it is our raison d’être. In the past six months, we have produced 203 articles covering livestock (80), grains (82), fibre (20) and other (21). All completely independent, and all free to read.
We have also been lucky to have been approached by numerous media organisations for our comments on agricultural markets. This has culminated in over 150 interviews (see here), thanks to all the journos who have picked our brains.

It’s been an incredible six months for us, and we are excited about what the next six months have in store. We thank you for reading our articles, and welcome suggestions for articles.
We thought it was worthwhile looking back at the top 5 articles in our grain and livestock sections.
Grain & oilseeds
No 1. What happens if China bans Aussie wheat?
An examination of the impact of a potential ban of Australian wheat into China.
No 2. Fertiliser in Australia
The EP3 team start to provide independent insights into the price of fertiliser in Australia.
No 3. The trick, with barley, is not minding that it hurts.
An examination of the first barley tender win into Saudi Arabia
No 4. La Nina to bring the rain?
La Nina has been announced for this year and into 2021. We take a look at what this means for grain production.
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No 5. We won Saudi Arabia, but who is winning China?
Australia is winning barley contracts into Saudi Arabia, but who is winning the volume into China?
No 1. Skinny margins on the lamb trade
We provide an updated trading margin model.
No 2. Do Animals Australia have the war chest to disrupt the industry?
Animals Australia has amassed a considerable war chest. We take a look into the numbers from their recent annual report.
No 3. The beef processor rollercoaster
The profitability of beef processors indicates their capacity to purchase livestock. The EP3 beef processor margin model gives a reliable indication of their margins.
No 4. Here comes the restocker
As the weather started to improve for restockers, we analysed what this is likely to mean for cattle pricing.
No 5. If you’re going to buy, go light
We provide an updated cattle trade margin calculation. At the time of writing, buying light was the way to go.