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Inputs | 9th June 2021
Is grain cheap compared to fertiliser?
An analysis of Australian fertiliser pricing
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Inputs | 19th April 2021
Market Morsel: Crude oil fueling diesel
Increased input cost.
Inputs | 26th March 2021
Gridlock on the high seas
Traffic jam impacts trade flows, temporarily.
Inputs | 23rd March 2021
Full steam ahead (literally) for containers.
Increasing cost of exports for our produce
Inputs | 12th February 2021
Market Morsel: fill her up.
How is diesel market as we approach seeding?
Whatever floats your boat.
Why the Baltic Dry Index is important
Market Morsel: Fertiliser takes off like a rocket
Fertiliser experiencing a strong rally.
Inputs | 11th December 2020
Market Morsel: Iron ore is on a rally
Should we slap an export tariff on iron ore?
Inputs | 4th December 2020
Market Morsel: Fertilizer update November
An update on fertilizer pricing.
Inputs | 23rd November 2020
The Baltic Dry Index has sunk.
Why is the Baltic Dry Index important to Australian farmers?
Inputs | 26th October 2020
Market Morsel: Fertilizer in Australia
A first step in transparency.
Inputs | 28th September 2020
The farming fuel factor
What is the fuel market doing ahead of harvest?